News of singer Amy Winehouse's death hit the web this afternoon, July 23, 2011, and it has created a flurry of reactions across the massive community that is the internet. 

I'm not popping in today to give you any of the news information on her death, rather, I want to talk about people's reactions to this news. 

Amy Winehouse was 27 years old, an incredible artist, and an addict. But above all she was a human being. It seems that basic concept is forgotten when you see people respond with blasé  statements, like: 

It was only a matter of time.
~ No shocker there. 
~ Sad, but not surprising. 
~ GOOD!!! 
~ Not at all surprised.
                    --via Twitter and Facebook
I could go on, but it should be noted that the cause of death has not been determined yet. We can assume all we want, but as of this writing we don't know how or why she died. Even if eventually we learn that she died as a result of drug usage, can't we demonstrate a little compassion for those left behind and a lost life? 

Obviously everyone has a right to their own opinions, but out there in the real world Amy Winehouse has friends and family who love her - faults and all. Not one of us is perfect, yet it's so easy to toss judgments out. I do it; we all do. But today I just want us to think of one thing - there are people whose worlds shattered today because Ms. Winehouse is no longer in it. 

And let us not forget there's a lot going on in our world at large today that could use our sensitivity, sympathy, and prayers. Those coping with and recovering from the attack in Norway, our military, and countless individuals whose stories will never be told. 

I guess what I'm saying is, let's take it back to kindergarten: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all

Thanks for letting me divert from the norm. 

I just love when I get all of three words into a new article and get stuck. So rather than beat my head against the keyboard, I come here to whine about it. (Hence the rolling laughter under our accompanying photograph).  

My theory is that if I distract myself by writing about something else entirely, I will magically be inspired by the most perfect words ever. 

...Yeah, we'll see how that works out for me. I've already started and abandoned another writing project today - I am on a roll.

While I was on vacation I was awarded with the Kreativ Blogger Award by Valerie Owens. This is genuinely a nice treat - who doesn't love being told they landed on someone's top 10 list? However, once received you have to pass on the love with a top 10 list of your own. I thought I'd sit down and whip that bad boy out in no time at all...Yeah. No. I think I got to #5 on my list before I wimped out, hit save, and tucked it away for later. Not to be forgotten, just...Paused. 

So nap time was not so productive today and the daycare kiddos were just picked up, and I should actually be getting ready to head into town for a family dinner, but here I am - procrastinating on all fronts of my life. It's just so me

I guess I'm not being a horrible whiny mcwhinerson, more just an avoidy mcvoiderson. With that, I think I should call a cease and desist order on all of my procrastinating, go get ready, and know that the words will flow from my fast typing fingers upon my return home tonight. Well, after I've tucked the wee one into bed, that is. Cross your fingers for me. Catch ya on the flip side. 

These horses are the source of a running joke in my family.
Between a week of vacation and a week of cruddy crud this little corner of the web has been woefully silent. Unfortunately the cruddy crud has not vacated my body, and I am still hacking away, hence why I'm still up when clearly I should be sleeping. But I think that's another story for another day because today {bum ba da bum da duuuum} I am finally going to share something with you that I have been meaning to write for weeks...Maybe even months. Fitting, I'd say. 

Why is it fitting, you ask? Well let me tell you: I have this theory about pregnancy brain. You've heard of it? If not, here's a quick summary. Pregnancy brain occurs in women who are pregnant (shocker, I know); what happens is it seems as though her memory suddenly is not what it once was, her train of thought is constantly getting derailed...

But as I was saying, I have this theory. I don't think the brain ever fully recovers from pregnancy brain, it seems - at least in my case - that there are lingering effects. I have to believe this because I am not that old and there is no other reasonable explanation for thoughts to just vanish into thin air, only to return in the middle of the night where it's akin to tossing it back into a black hole of nothingness. Super. 

I'm not alone in this thinking either. I've discussed this with other mothers and they agree - the pregnancy brain doesn't seem to rebound all the way...Kind of like the waistline, come to think of it. 

So what does this all mean? I don't really know, just something that's been bouncing around my melon for some time and because this is my little corner of the web, I get to do with it what I wish, so there you go. 

In other mindful meanderings, I - and I'm totally not being a smart ankle when I say this - have kind of forgotten where else I was going to go with this. I swear. Non-pregnant-pregnancy brain indeed. Although, in this case I'm perfectly willing to place the blame on lack of sleep and a face that feels like it wants to fall off with each cough. 

I can tell you this, though. That vacation I was on? My little family of three traveled to Minnesota with my parents for a week. We went to some Twins games, rocked the Mall of America, and most importantly my beautiful husband finally got to see some truly important things. You know, like Salem Sue, the largest Holstein cow or those horses on the capital building...But no, in all seriousness, I finally got to show him my gramma's house. And even though we couldn't go inside, we got the requisite pictures out front, and that makes my heart happy. 

Can I just tell you that my daughter just might be the best traveler ever? I mean, wow, what a champ. Granted I can't imagine traveling that distance without movies, but still she was a rock star. On top of that, little miss cautious went on the Log Chute, which is a big kid ride with a steep drop. No tears, no screams - a completely terrified facial expression, but seriously - Rock. Star. 

I know I'm not totally great about letting you know here when new stuff has been published over in Examiner.com land, but as always, I invite you to wander over and see what's been going on that you might love. And hey, if you join my Facebook Fan Page, Parenting, Kid Talk, and TV Moms you'll never miss a step - I always post links there. I hope you'll pop over there anyways, we've been sitting at 45 peeps for some time, and it's time to grow! 

Until next time, wishing you lots of love, laughter, and silliness. 

~ Billings Early Childhood/Parenting Examiner
~ National TV Moms Examiner

I wish this quote I just found was a song, because then it could totally be our theme song for this blog. It would be like on Meet the Robinsons when they're celebrating Lewis's failure and they bust into their own theme song of Keep moving forward (you can see what I mean in the video below. And if you know not of what I speak because you've never seen the movie...You really, really need to). 

But I digress...Really a lot, actually. Anyways, the quote that I found: 

        "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." -E.E. Cummings 

But seriously, kind of a little perfect for my little corner of the web, isn't it? Just say yes, you know you want to. 

Because I am a lover of quotes, you'll probably see more of these entries popping up from time to time. Even though there is a part of me, deep down inside that wonders if someone just sits at their computer all day coming up with quotes and attaching important names to said quotes so they'll carry greater impact...I mean, really, how do I know that some person who is compiling the biggest list of quotes ever has double checked the source of origin? I don't. Regardless, I love me some quotes. They bring out all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings for me, so use them I will. And you know, it wouldn't hurt my feelings if you left your favorite quotes in the comments. Quote on!
Yesterday was a marvelous day. The girl who I have claimed to be the little sister I've always dreamed of having, graduated college yesterday. Graduations, like baptisms and weddings, always make me a little misty. I'm hopelessly sentimental that way. 

However, as speaker after speaker approached the podium, my mind wandered to things other than the event happening before me. I looked at the graduates seated where I sat seven years ago, remembering how I anxiously awaited this piece of paper that would declare me to be set on the right path. Five years of hard work, several changes in majors later, there I was...Following my dream. Right? I wondered if that too was what they were thinking. Maybe. Probably. 

So the longer I sat and the longer I watched, my gaze strayed towards those graduates who were to receive their Masters degrees, many having earned degrees in areas I had assumed I would one day be striving towards. Now...I'm not so sure. 

I've taken the big step (to me anyways) lately of sharing with my husband that I'd really like to find a way to write full-time when Abby goes to kindergarten. I (we) had always assumed when she went to school I would find my way back to the human services world and do my thing, but now I just don't know. This dream that had long laid dormant is back with a vengeance. Back when I first started writing for Examiner.com (nearly a year now, can you believe it?!) my aunt who is an incredible writer and photographer shared some advice with me about what it takes to make it work. 

Thus far, though, I've wrapped myself into the safety of my little writing bubble with my Examiner column and writing for Simply Family, but I know I've got to suck it up and start looking at more things. I've got to get over my fear of NO and just go. The only trouble? I've been saying this for awhile now, and I just keep pansying out. But if I'm going to put this plan into action and show my husband and myself that it's possible to do this, then I'd say a little action is actually required here. Gee, who woulda thunk it? I won't know if I don't try and if I don't try, I'll always wonder. 

So here we go, {deep breath} it's time to start figuring out if I can be what I want to be when I grow up. 
The key to my history, who taught me how to love with all that I am; I wonder sometimes who I would be without them...I'm glad I'll never know. My family. 

They showed me what unconditional love looks like and showed us all that choosing someone for better or worse is neither a fairy tale nor a myth. My parents. 

The people who I can be completely me with, who love me no matter what, who I have treated like crap and vice versa - yet we'll have each other's backs for as long as we live. My siblings. 

The man who knows me at my very best and my very worst, who has grown up with me...Who makes me laugh and drives me crazy, but has become a person whom I can't imagine life without. My past, my present, my future. My husband. 

As they came along one-by-one, I was overwhelmed and amazed at how immediately you can fall completely in love with someone in the space of a single breath, heartbeat, cry. I'd never known a love quite like it...Couldn't imagine a greater love that wouldn't shatter my heart to pieces at its fullness. My nieces and nephews. 

The greatest love I have ever known. A love born before ever even seeing a face. The moment I felt that first movement in my belly, I was hers. Before she was even born, she became a person I couldn't live without. She is our everything. My daughter

Aside from that little hiccup of falling snow this past Tuesday, according to the calendar and in general, all signs point to spring diligently working to show its bright and shining face. The birds are singing, baseball teams have begun practicing, and barbecues are begging to be fired up all around. 

For this week's Fun Friday offering, I explored my Top 5 reasons we're thankful for spring, but within that list, I didn't get to fully dive into why I'm beyond ready for spring to hit the air already. So please, check out the fully familial version of why I'm thankful spring is battling its way into our midst, but following is just a bit more...

1. Easter will soon be upon us. I could just say I can't wait for Lent to be over so I can have myself that soda (or five) that I've been craving, but that wouldn't be 100 percent true. (I'd be lying if I didn't say that wasn't part it). But truly I love Easter, especially as I've gotten older and particularly after I became a mom. It's a beautiful time of year and to have the sacrifice that Jesus made for us at the forefront of our thoughts...It's just incredible and overwhelming. 

2. Our yard is a complete and utter disaster and I am genuinely looking forward to not having to look at the ugliness anymore. I know it's gonna be a real back breaker getting it looking decent, and in truth I wish I could just spray it with 'ugly-be-gone,' but I'm pretty sure that's not an option...So I'll take the hard work for the prettier view. 

3. Flip flops and Capris. Need I say more? 

4. I am crazy excited to unleash my daughter on our driveway. She's got her Dora bike with training wheels and her scooter from Christmas...I am so ready to see her out there enjoying the outdoors in a whole new way. 

5. Barbecue!!! We attempted barbecuing in the screen porch this winter...It wasn't so pretty. Definitely be glad to have that baby back out on the porch where it belongs, enjoying food in this delectably fantastic manner. 

6. Abby told me she's so ready for spring because it means setting up her pool...And ideally putting water in it. Daddy got her some "gobbles" (goggles) and she is beyond ready. 

7. My youngest niece starts tee ball this year. I cannot wait to watch her out there in all of her sassy glory. It will be magnificent. 

8. Basketball. I am surrounded by family and I'm really hoping this will be the year for "community basketball" on the home front. The memories of endless hours of H-O-R-S-E, Around the World, and 1-on-1; I can't wait to make new memories with all the nieces and nephews. 

9. Speaking of the nieces and nephews, the two 7-year-olds have concocted a plan for baseball, soccer, and volleyball camps to be held on our little "compound." (Not really, but that's what it's affectionately known as). They are hoping I'll "run" their volleyball camp - what's better than that?

10. Spring leads to summer, which leads to the Fourth of July, and in our family there's little else that can compete with the good times we have on that day. 

So there you have it - the unfiltered version of my I'm-so-happy-it's-spring list. What's on your list?

It’s amazing to me how the little things can make a day perfection. Today, for me, was a day filled with little things that made my heart ache at their simplistic beauty.

It was the sound of singing birds, the joy on a child’s face, the love of two brothers…

Our morning started off as most Sundays do – in a rush. Abby and I were rushing out the door; running late - nothing new there, but then it happened…A moment so perfect in its sweetness, that I remember actually thinking, “Slow down, let her enjoy this moment like only a child can.” On the first day of spring it was fitting that we experienced our first morning serenade from the birds. Abby was enchanted by the sound, exclaiming, “Birds! They’re tweeting to me! Tweet, tweet, tweet! I talking to the birds!”

That one little moment allowed us to shake off the stressed out feelings of the morning rush and just…be.

Once at church it was time for our annual Lenten baking of “Praying Arm Pretzels” and that brought so many little moments in and of itself. The joy the kids have as they roll out their pieces of dough and form them; it’s beautiful. Such a little thing, yet it’s their favorite Chapel Time activity.

Later, as I sat in church with my family, two of my nephews at my side, I happened to glance over at them in time to witness a moment that made my heart ache. My sister’s youngest son was snuggled up to his older brother and Tommy had slipped his hand into Austin’s. It was just one of those moments that was so tender and sweet that I wanted to bottle it up to save for a rainy day.

Today was my reminder to stop and enjoy the little things; I hope you will too.

Valentine's Day is officially behind us for another year. That big rush of air you randomly experienced? A collective sigh of relief from those who find Valentine's Day to be the most ridiculous of holidays, who see Valentine's Day as nothing but a sorry reminder of loss or whatever state of aloneness they might be experiencing. For other's still, it's just another day. 

I don't remember the last time my husband and I actually did anything that would actually indicate a recognition of Valentine's Day as anything other than another day. (Yep, we're those people). I often wonder what people think this says about our relationship, but well, it's just not how we roll anymore. *shrugs* (I did remember to tell him "Happy Valentine's Day," though. You're jealous of the romance, aren't you?) 

At family dinner tonight my mom went all out - the kids loved it and it was a fantastical kind of evening for us all, so I'm not totally "bah humbug" about it, but it certainly doesn't make my top 10 list of favorite days of the year. (Hmm, that implies I have a top 10 list...I'll get back to you on that). 

Throughout the afternoon that I spent with my parents and the evening we all had together, more than once the phrase, "Bah humbug" turned up in conversation. This got me thinking. (Scary, I know). We most definitely need a phrase that is 'Bah humbugish' in nature that is for Valentine's Day alone. Just think of how beneficial such a phrase could be to so many. To the haters, the take-it-or-leave-it-ers (?), the closet lovers of the Day who need a front...Oh the masses for which such a phrase could benefit! 

So let's get crackin'! What phrase can we create that can do for the anti-Cupids of Valentine's Day that Scrooge did for Christmas? Of course, we must keep in mind what happened at the end of Scrooge's tale, he did have a change of heart...Whose to say? But for now, let's find a Bah Humbug ---> Bah Lovebug? Nah. and start a new trend for all those who found Valentine's Day to be a little lacking in the sparkling love department. Hit me with your comments. 

P.S. Even if you love Valentine's Day like nobody else's business, bust out your creativity and help the cause anyways. 

Note to self: Despite the numerous books on parenting available, there is no actual rulebook to guide you through the process. This is unfortunate. 

My most recent Fun Friday piece lists 10 things no one tells you before you become a parent (which could actually be a good thing), and number five on this list was probably the most currently pertaining out of all of them for us - well that and number ten. Number five basically talks about the challenges of following through on the consequences we set out for our children. 

Note to self: This is quite possibly one of the hardest things about parenting - consistency and follow through. 

The ladybug has recently decided it would be more fun to play during her naptime instead of sleep - this would be fine if I thought she didn't legitimately still need a nap. On the days she wins and nary a snore is to be heard from her room, the evenings are drama central. So, what's a frustrated mama to do? I had threatened to take her toys away, but had yet to actually have to back up my words...Last week she lost her toys in her room. 

Note to self: Sticking to my guns is infinitely harder than anticipated when she oh so pathetically and heartbreakingly sobs over each special (and not so special) as it was placed in a box. Being the lawmaker is not all roses and sunshine. 

It took her three days to earn those toys back, and this week she lost them again. I am going to win this battle, darn it! As I type this she's up there dreaming the afternoon away, and I'm thinking the real thing no one ever tells you is that it's often hard to know if you're on the right track...Or anywhere in the neighborhood of the right track, and it's only going to get more challenging.